Team Collaboration Software Changes Everything

A mature corporate intranet is one that’s based on robust team collaboration software. It’s an extremely effective tool for transforming the way individuals and groups within your company work together.

Individual members of project teams, departments, and committees can work together in a way that was impossible prior to development of innovative team collaboration software like Vauzo.

The Collaborative Nightmare

No matter how well you “work with others,” the quality of the communication tools you use determines the quality of your team’s output. Group processes that rely on paper documents, or electronic documents that are emailed back and forth, are easily derailed by no fault of anyone in the group.

You’ve undoubtedly had the experience of working on a project with a group of people charged with producing a document with extremely short notice. Perhaps it was a PowerPoint presentation for a meeting that determined the future of your company.

Someone sends the group an email containing the first draft. Two people respond by emailing everyone a draft with only their changes. Then three people make their own edits (but to which draft?) and resend the presentation to everyone.

Of course it never occurred to anyone in the group to rename the draft of the document they sent. It wouldn’t even have mattered because not everyone’s edits are in all of the files anyway.

Now everyone has several drafts with untraceable edits. Which is the final version of the PowerPoint document? Nobody knows. And you have the pleasure of giving a presentation using an incomplete or incorrect version.

Luckily, your charm saves the day. But you’ve ruined your pants. Yeah. It’s a nightmare and it happens all of the time.

Team Collaboration Software Comes to the Rescue

The purpose of team collaboration software is to improve a team’s ability to collaborate. This tool transforms the way documents are shared and how each member of the team communicates with each of the other members.

True collaboration requires the team to work in a coordinated manner toward a common goal. Throughout the process, team collaboration software gives each member of the team the ability to contribute to the process. The tool also enables the team to make the decisions necessary to reach their common goal.

The most useful team collaboration software supports innovation and drives business outcomes and has the following benefits:

Ease of Communication – Omnidirectional communication capabilities allow for integrated real-time conversation and not just a broadcast of information.

Ease of File Sharing – The definition of file sharing has changed completely. You no longer share files with the team. Now the team shares a file. Confusion is eliminated when there is only one document for the team to edit.

Ease of Decision Making – Team members make constant decisions as they work towards their goal. Regardless of the nature of the team’s final output, team collaboration software gives each member the tools to make informed decisions.

For more information on Corporate intranet, Intranet Portal Software, Small Business Intranet, Team Collaboration Software. Please visit:-

The Secret to Creating a Successful Social Intranet

Effective social networking for businesses means having an effective social intranet.

If you think that social networking is only about sharing family photos and random information about your life on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, you couldn’t be more wrong. Whether you know it or not, there’s a social network that already exists within your business.

Social networking is communication.

In today’s world, that means continuous conversation that is direct, unfiltered, and unmediated. When this type of free-flowing communication exists within your organization between departments, managers, and staff you have a successful social intranet.

Hanging out at the Water Cooler

For those old enough to get this reference, you know where this post is heading. It’s possibly true that the oldest small business intranet was the company water cooler.

That’s where employees gathered to find out what’s going on in the company. It was a place where they also developed personal relationships.

Today, break rooms, cork boards, carpools, and even smoking areas serve the same function. It’s also likely that you have an “office gossip” to help spread “important” information from person to person.

Bring Your Social Intranet Online

You wouldn’t still be reading this post if you believed that your business is getting along fine with its casual and fragmented offline socializing. Internal communications to your staff and between your staff is usually inefficient and often confusing. This bogs your business down.

With such powerful intranet technology easily available to small business owners, why wouldn’t you bring your existing offline social intranet into the 21st century online world?

Take it to the cloud.

So What’s the Secret?

The answer is simple just like most answers to seemingly difficult questions. Make using your social intranet easy to use.

For now, let’s forget the details of setting up and launching your intranet. That part is not as complicated as it once was thanks to cloud-based intranet portal software like Vauzo. Let’s focus on what really matters when you ask your management and staff to actually start using your new social intranet.

Take Time to Master the Features of Your Social Intranet

If you haven’t done so yet, we invite you to take a test drive of Vauzo. Our cloud-based social intranet platform has tons of powerful tools and features. And as the Spider-Man movie franchise will continue to tell us year after year: “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Of course most of the people who will be using your intranet will already have lots of experience with getting online and navigating websites. However, you might be surprised at how many of them have little or no experience with the type of navigation and social interaction built into your intranet.

Just like with any new tools you will need to invest a bit of time in helping everyone understand the value of the system. Once they know how it will increase their productivity and enhance their role in the organization, they will take a personal interest in leveraging all the features.

For more information on Intranet solution, Corporate intranet, Intranet service, Intranet providers, Intranet software, Social Intranet. Please visit:-

5 Reasons Why You Need a Small Business Intranet

What if you could take the interactive flexibility of the World Wide Web and harness its awesome power for your business? Sure. It sounds great. But is it possible? And if it’s possible, is it practical for your small business?

The answer to both questions is yes! Having your own small business intranet is possible and practical. But more importantly, it’s essential.

Here are 5 reasons why you need a small business intranet.

1. Enhanced Internal Communication & Coordination

If you are still using email to communicate with your staff, you understand just how difficult it can be to communicate a clear and consistent message to more than one person. Don’t even try to get everyone you’ve CC’d or BCC’d to come to any kind of consensus or your head might explode.

Remember, email is simply an electronic version of a typed letter. Both have their purpose but neither was ever meant to be a tool for having a dialog with a group of people. You are asking too much from your email system when you need broader, more effective communication. Intranets allow you to broadcast your message widely and receive effective participation in an actual online discussion.

2. Improved Knowledge Sharing

Small business intranets might just be the most powerful tool available for breaking down silos of knowledge within your organization. Because your intranet gives you the power of omnidirectional communication, everyone is connected to everyone else.

When everyone is effortlessly listening and talking to each other, silos get breached, hierarchies get flattened, cliques get broken up, and doorkeepers are bypassed. The result is an organization-wide sharing of knowledge that only your intranet can provide.

3. Increased Productivity

It follows logically that you will significantly increase your management and staff’s productivity with enhanced communication, seemingly effortless coordination, and improved knowledge sharing.

Remember how excited about how productive you were going to be when you got your brand new day planner? What about when you got your first office computer and sent your first email? Now imagine the level of company-wide productivity boost you’ll experience with a small business intranet.

4. Streamlined Reinforcement of Your Corporate Culture

Every business has a culture. It’s a delicate mixture of your company’s mission and the feeling that people have about working for your company. When you have instant access to your entire staff in one central intranet portal, you are in an excellent position to manage and reinforce your corporate culture.

In the past, owners and managers needed to schedule staff meetings to communicate a clear message to the entire staff. Now you can communicate your company’s message through blog posts, online newsletters, and convenient instant updates. Small business intranets make effective employee relations quick and easy.

5. Faster Adaptation to Change

Effective internal communication is one of the best ways to adapt to change in real-time. Having the ability to instantly communicate important news or a new directive to your entire organization is an unmatched leadership tool.

For more information on Intranet solution, Corporate intranet, Small Business Intranet, Intranet providers, Intranet software, Social intranet. Please visit:-